Ding-Ding-Ding Went the Bell

Ding-Ding-Ding Went the Bell

The clang-clang-clang of the trolley will be heard in St. Louis once again as The Loop neighborhood welcomes historic streetcars back to Delmar Boulevard in 2016. The trolleys ran on this street until 1964 when the nation’s car culture brought them to an end. Today’s trolleys will connect passengers to two MetroLink stations and carry them 2.2 miles along The Loop’s restaurants, gift shops, music clubs and the St. Louis Walk of Fame. Turning onto DeBaliviere, the historic trolleys will proceed toward the Missouri History Museum and the entrance to Forest Park and its attractions before returning passengers to The Loop (looptrolley.com).

St. Louis CVC Visitors Guide ©2016

Source: Loop Trolley – Articles


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